Friday, January 14, 2011

Nixon's new obsessions

The older she gets the more silly she is. We are having a ball being entertained by this little girl..... A very very tired ball :) I am going back to work which means Tyler gets to become Mr mom while I am gone. I know he can do it, but I don't think he realizes how much work the two of them are. Here is just a glimpse of our silly little girl

Always opens the fridge and sits on the bottom. I finally wised up and got a fridge lock.

She is addicted to fruit snacks and will do just about anything for them. Makes my job a little easier.

Tooth brushes especially the ones she sneaks from our drawers.... I caught
her once putting one in the toilet, we all got new toothbrushes that day.

Princess dresses. Not many days go by that she does not have one on.... And with that


Along with this bear that she lugs around everywhere.

Eating snow.... She won't move she just plops down and starts eating.

Sitting in the drawer and unloading the tuberware. I no longer have any that match.

She is a happy girl, toothbrush in hand, paci in mouth, the random pink shoe she has to have on, and my boot turned backwards. Just need a dress or tu-tu.

And of course her little brother Henry. She loves him a little too much and I often find her shoving crackers, toothbrushes, drinks, paci, car, really anything in his mouth.

Life is crazy at the moment but so so good. The silly little girl and our sweet red headed Henry make it all worth it. Nothing but smiles
From this little dude!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas at the Shaws

so I think I have figured out this iPad thing..... I think! Christmas was so fun, we stayed here with my parents and little sister. Nixon loved unwrapping all her presents and everyone else's too. If course her favorite thing was her toothbrushes. I think she is going to be a dentist with the obsession she has with them. Henry was great and had lots of loves from cousins and aunts.

Nixon at the Thomas Christmas party.... She was so funny this day!

Christmas eve and all her glory!

our little buddy.... Oh I love him

she loves her toothbrushes.

Loves her daddy!

We are truly blessed and so thankful for family and friends

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, October 11, 2010

Say Hello To Henry Tyler Shaw 7 lbs 15 oz.....

Wow time has gone by way to fast ...... nights on the other hand are going really really slow! Henry was born September 23rd at 2:23 pm. It was an even easier labor than Nixon. We were scheduled to be induced and I was started around 9:30am. The glorious epidural was even more glorious this time as it made me sleep for about half of my labor. So Tyler chilled out watched a movie and I slept. I was stalled at a 4.5 for a good 3 hours of the time. Tyler went to go get a drink and in the meantime I went from a 4.5 to a 10 in a matter of like 30 mintues. Luckily he got back as they were finishing prepping the room for delivery. So I know I have some good birthing hips, but man 5 minutes and about 2.5 pushes and there he was, peeing on everyone within range. I am already in love and cant imagine not having him. I guess the little suprise baby was not so bad :) We are still adjusting to having another one around the house. Nixon especially has been at a high for dramatic break downs. She also has figured out that when I nurse him, it is her que to go destroy the house and get into the stuff she is not suppose to. I am anxious to get him on a schedule and get some sleep! All and all we are doing pretty good :) Here are some pictures my cute talented friend Caprice took of Henry. If you want to see her other work go to

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Last day you will see this belly!

SO We are induced Thursday the 23rd, so enjoy this picture to see how huge I really did get! I laugh so hard when people tell me "you don't look like you are even pregnant".... hmmm really??? or even better "so you are having twins right?". All of these comments plus more make me so ready to not be pregnant. I feel like I have been the last 2 years. I know I cried when I found out and was a bit overwhelmed, but I am so so happy we are having a little boy come to our home. Ill keep you posted when Henry Tyler Shaw makes his debut. I am crossing my fingers he is under 9 pounds and does not have a huge noggin like his dad!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Since August flew by....

SO August flew by and I never updated on anything..... Number one for the month is Nixon turned 1! I CAN NOT believe she is one already. This past year has been such a blessing being her mom and I can not picture life without her. She is growing up so fast and really becoming the big sister. Her Nicknames so far are monkey and miss independent. Tyler has some other names for her like tooters and turd ( which I hate). Gives you a little glimpse into how fast she is becoming a little girl. She has mastered walking/running and is on to climbing, everything. Her verbal skills suprise me everyday when she decides to mimic something we say and does it pretty well. Our favorite words she says are please, papa bob, bubble, happy, and when we ask her to say henry she says baby. I love so many things about her but here are a few of the things........

* Her one in a million smile, and how happy she is almost always. She is so excited to be alive. and makes me happy everyday.

*She is no longer on formula .... this has been great, almost off bottles all together... almost

*She loves the water like her mama and is so happy in any form of water. She is quite the dare devil and I know we will need to teach her to swim early.

* She is sleeping like a champ, down at 8 until 9 the next morning. I feel like I just got my nights back and they are soon to be rocked all over again.

*Her thighs ... enough said!!!

* She has enough hair to do fun pig tails and side ponies, or mohawks like tyler like to do. Can you tell how much she enjoys it.

* Loves her grandpas and grandmas.... She gets so excited to see them and get spoiled by them.

* HAd her first black eye and didnt even cry. She is quite the tough cookie, but dont get me wrong she can melt down over something silly in an instant. Picture below is actually 2 weeks after the incident. Still Dont know what happened she just came up to me and had a big bump on her eye.

* She adores her daddy. She misses him a lot.

We truly have been blessed and are happy! Tyler is enjoying school, not so much school and work together. We are anxiously awaiting baby number two... anyday now!!!!! I wish it was today but who am I kidding. Ill post a belly picture soon, its huge and I mean it.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Nixon Is Walking!!!!!

Nixon has been walking for the past month, I am so bad at this blog thing. She started taking steps around fathers day and soon after decided she was ready to walk.... It has become more of a run now. She is already great at the art of dodging mom and running away. I always knew she was an independent little soul but now I know for sure she is! She thinks she is pretty hot stuff playing with all of her cousins and getting into ever drawer possible. We are still working on going down the stairs and eating vegetables, but hey she is happy!